Brevard Feel Good Story: Cocoa Elks Helping Homeless Veterans

Cocoa Elk members loaded an empty truck with microwaves, pot and pans, sheets, towels and bedding for homeless vets in transition to getting apartments. The donations are going to Down the Road Thrift non-profit Founder Jerry Vaughan, who says the items will furnish about 10 homeless veteran apartments and anything else they still need, the veterans can go to his thrift shop.

Since the nonprofit was founded, they've helped furnished more than 260 apartments, on average furnishing four apartments a week, saving veterans about $1,000.

According to Cocoa Elks spokesperson Debbie Aglitz, because of a grant, they were able to buy new home appliances that will be part of making an empty box, a warm home for veterans. The Cocoa Elks are donating about $2,000 worth of items and about 250 shaving kits.

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