Check Out What Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie Flavor Says About You

(Eonline) It's officially the most lit time of the year. Girl Scout cookie season is here. SEE What Your Favorite Girl Scout Cookie Flavor Says About You:

Thin Mints: You're an icy cold honey, and you just don't care. You have a dark and mysterious side, which mirrors the allure of your favorite cookie. Your cool core means you invented the cold shoulder.

Caramel deLites/Samoas: You know a thing or two about having fun. The wildest cookie of the bunch, you're not afraid to show your stripes. You've got a multi-faceted personality that keeps admirers coming back for more.

Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs: You're a tad more refined on the outside than those spunky Samoas, but by no means does that make you boring. Your personality has many layers, just like your favorite cookie. It may take a little while for you to melt off your sweet outer shell, but once you warm up to people, your wild side makes a cameo.

Shortbread/Trefoils: You have no time for silly coconut crusted concoctions and mouthfuls of mint. You prefer everything simple, classic and timeless, just like your favorite cookie.

Do-si-dos: Also known as the Peanut Butter Sandwich, you're a straight shooter who gets down to business. Unlike your chocolate covered peanut butter counterpart, you don't have an outer layer that takes time to shed. You're all you all the time, right from the get go. Tough on the outside, sweet on the inside.

Cranberry Citrus Crisps: At the heart of it, just like this cookies base, your sweetness is not artificial, and you're wholesome just like this cookie's grains. Despite being innocent your entire life, you've recently been exposed to the real world. Your personality has the zest of a lemon, but when held back from adventure, you're tart like a cranberry.

Lemonades: Humble and classic on the outside, all zing on the inside. If someone messes with you, you're not afraid to bite back, just like the lemon tang in your cookie of choice.

Rah-Rah Raisins: You're wholesome and mature, but still like to have fun. You like the raisins in these cookies because it reflects your classic side, but you're wild about the Greek yogurt chunks because you're funky like that.

Savannah Smiles: If your personality were a cookie, it would be all sassy Samoa on the outside and sassy Lemonade on the inside. Unfortunately, that doesn't exist so the Savannah Smile is your best match. Watch out world.

Thanks-A-Lot: You're a people pleaser. Of course, your favorite cookies are stamped with "Thank You" in an assortment of different languages. You're gracious and kind, and you believe even your food should reflect that.

Toffee-tastic: You like to indulge within reason. You're all party on the surface but at the heart of it, you have a sensible head on your shoulders.

Trios: You're a little shy and somewhat of a homebody. You take caution not to do anything that might put you in harm's way -- like eating gluten. Lucky for you, your favorite cookie is gluten-free which makes you feel alive inside.

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