LIST: Things You Shouldn't Store On Top Of Your Fridge

Woman stealing biscuit, caught in the act.

Photo: Peter Dazeley / The Image Bank / Getty Images

Things You Shouldn't Store On Top Of Your Fridge

Bread: A flaky homemade baguette might last a day or two, and store-bought white bread might last about a week. And that's with proper storage, which is definitely not on the top of your fridge.

Cookbooks: You want those go-tos somewhere close. Unfortunately, cookbooks on your fridge are a fire hazard.

A cookie jar: Kids are on to your cookie-hiding schemes. They know where the cookie jar is, and the few extra feet to the top of the fridge won't faze them. That's why anything that could tempt a kid to climb up and get it is a bad idea to keep on the fridge. The risk of them falling is high.

Cereal: Put them on their sides and you risk spills, especially if the boxes aren't closed before they're put away.

Fresh produce: It's tempting to have a basket or bin on top of the fridge for stuff like potatoes and onions. Putting them on top of the fridge can speed deterioration, making that basket of farmers-market goods a feast for pests like fruit flies.


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