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Some Florida Democrat lawmakers are counting on the U.S. Senate to move a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill forward this weekend.
"The president's plan touches countless families in Florida and particularly in my district, that are struggling with housing and finding good jobs. This is a jobs plan."
State Senator Lori Berman of Delray Beach says she's working on bills to create clean energy in Florida.
She looks forward to the federal package passing through Congress, claiming it will do a lot to improve Floridians quality of life.
Berman says Florida's already come a long way, but must go much further.
"Up until a few years ago, we weren't even allowed to say the words climate change in the state of Florida."
She's referencing Senator Rick Scott's alleged ban on the use of the words "climate change" while governor, though he denies that.
State Representative Anna Eskamani of Orlando, whose working with Berman on a couple of clean energy bills in the upcoming Legislative session, says the federal bill hsa to pass, for the good of Florida.
"Pres. Joe Biden's Build Back Better plan has so many incredible opportunities for the Sunshine State."
Eskamani says the package will lead to cleaner water and resources in our state.
The lawmakers held a virtual conference call with non-profit Florida Conservation Voters this week, to discuss the need for clean energy in our state.