LIST: Tiny Resolutions Busy Moms Can Really Keep

Take a minute to breathe when you feel overwhelmed - Because you’d be amazed how much a few deep breaths can help when you’re running on no sleep or patience.

Make more time for yourself - Prioritize yourself this year! Give yourself the hour you need to have coffee with a friend or go to that yoga class because we all need me-time.

Find small ways to cut back on spending - Save for that much-needed vacation by doing little things like cooking at home instead of ordering takeout once a week.

Start saying no to things you don't want to do - RSVP “no” more this year.

Put down your phone - Sure, you might miss the perfect photo for the ‘gram, but being present without your phone is much more important to your kids.

Don't be so hard on yourself - Being a parent is demanding and the world is a tough place sometimes, so be nice to yourself. And remember, you’re doing great, mama.

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