LIST: Be A Happier Person In 2024

Happy friends are celebrating together the New Year

Photo: FilippoBacci / E+ / Getty Images

If you want to become a happier person next year, start doing these 3 things every morning:

Start your day with gratitude: Gratitude, in essence, is about focusing on the good things in your life - the things that bring you joy, the things you're thankful for. And it turns out that this simple act can have a big impact on your happiness levels.

Incorporate exercise into your morning routine: Starting off strong, only to lose motivation after a few weeks. You should try something different -- start exercising in the morning. Not only did will you feel more energized throughout the day, but your mood will significantly improve.

Eat a healthy breakfast: Starting your day with a healthy breakfast is like fueling your car before a long journey. It gives your body the nutrients it needs to tackle the day and keeps your energy levels steady. In fact, research suggests that people who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight and more likely to have a balanced diet overall.


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