LIST: Easy Ways To Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk

Work Out twice a week - Cut your risk of breast cancer by 17% with High-intensity workouts. Vigorous exercise reduces body fat, which lowers estrogen levels and decreases the risk of developing an estrogen-sensitive cancer. Working out also reduces inflammation and it only takes 75 minutes a week of high-intensity exercise to lower your risk.

Choose containers carefully - BPA is a chemical in hard plastics, like food containers and reusable water bottles but it’s been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer. Some BPA-free plastics contain other questionable things, so you’re better off using stainless steel or glass containers for food when you can.

Eat the right dairy - New findings from Roswell Park Cancer Institute show women who eat three or four servings of yogurt a week have a 39% lower risk of breast cancer. The study also finds that women who eat more than that amount of hard cheese, like cheddar, have a 53% higher risk of breast cancer. Experts say more research is needed before they make a blanket recommendation, but keep eating the yogurt - which is good for your gut health - and watch your cheese intake.

Say yes to soy - There’s been some confusion about soy in the past, but now research says soy is okay. And get this - a Tufts University study of women with breast cancer finds that soy foods are linked with better chances of survival. So bring on the edamame.

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